Happy New Year! Hope you had beautiful Christmas. I feel quite terrible actually. I have not posted in six months! I don't even know where the time has gone! Once again time has run, well bolted ahead of me!
Hope the last six months have been as rewarding to you as it has for me. Alot of learning on my part and with that, alot of challenges I have overcome. Bringing me to blog once more.
I won't deny. It's been a rough period. Adjusting to a new member joining our family. Observing my little one take on so much for one of her age. I myself, not realizing the repercussions it would create for our family also. I can say is that it takes alot of time and ALOT of patience. But damn! Some people have no comprehension of hygiene!
In between the grand adjustment, I've been filled with alot of banter from all sides of the extended family. I put it down to not having the balls to say it to the person concerned... Instead lets burden the children... I feel this in our culture has become a norm. With so many uses of media to hide behind. We don't take responsibilty -ownership of our actions. To help me grow and cope with the challenge of this Chapter of my life is Playcentre. The place continues to feed me with copious amounts of new found, human behavioral knowledge. I'm still so amazed at how much I've learned. I can't express in words how much I have. If I were a writer than I guess it been easy to explain.
We've made a few changes to our home. Finally taking the last of our pool out. Laying the foundations down for Amani's playhouse. Making a retaining wall. Growing grass. Stripping our rooms. Sanding and re-painting with friends. Baking along the way and meeting some great people while doing so.
Latest pics? Well alot! Which brings me to officially becoming a part of the Flickr mob and sharing here;
I love using Blogger, but sometimes its takes far too long to load those pics you'd like to share. A few will follow (as many as I can load without pulling my hair out). The rest can be viewed on Flickr.
I am sharing an especially magical moment with you all. My daughter's fourth birthday. Special because it was, by request a Kitty Cat Pink Party!!!
I hope you all have had an exceptionally well deserving break as I have. Thank you my viewers for staying in touch. It feels quite rewarding to know that you view my ever more babble on the wonderful World of the web!
Till next month.. I promise! Peace be with you
Happy Baking All!