Sunday, March 11, 2012

Vertical Testing...

When Erin asked me if I'd be interested in baking a cake for her dear friend, Marena. I jumped at the chance!! Why? It was an Adults birthday and lately I've had a lot of  requests for kids birthday cakes.
Erin 'armed' me well with all of Marena's loves and interests! My mind was gelling together so many ideas of media, composition and as of late, the beautiful weather we've been experiencing.
I came up with a few sketches but one I was particularly drawn to would take a lot of planning and time to execute. So, the decision was made to just run with it!

With Erin being so open and encouraging with the matter. Not a thing was in my way! Except for, (as we both later found) the humidity of Auckland weather!
On delivery to my friend's place, my poor 'baby' started to weep :(
My ruffles began to slip and eventually dropped to the base of the stand. By the time I got it into her kitchen there was a gaping space of  'nothingness'.
We then arranged to meet later that evening, at the venue and work on some patch making! (Erin looked gorgeous by the way, in her A-line number and red stilettos.) Boy! Did we do a great job!
Erin had later text me expressing what a "triumph! Everyone was very impressed with the cakes look and raved about the taste. All women there Loved the shoes and bag :) "

 Mini Speedy with shoulder :)

 Mini shoes

 A close up of  my signature Abstract roses, ruffle button roses and petunias

 The finished piece after patch making

To Erin, thank you sincerely for your understanding and kindness. For letting me attempt this vertical test!
To Marena, I hope you had a fabulous night with family & friends.
To Towina, thank you for helping with the structural challenge I faced mid week. You are a legend!

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